Egypt's Biggest Fuck-Up Since Moses!  

Posted by: Christine in

Making knee-jerk decisions as solutions often lead to bigger problems in the future as poor Egypt has discovered. In May 2009, Egypt decided to kill all their pigs in a hasty attempt to combat swine flu.

(One wonders how much of this was just religious prejudice masked as health concerns because the hysterical culling still continued even after global health organisations issued statements that pigs are not responsible for the spread of the H1N1 virus.)

The problem is that, in Egypt, pigs are the ones responsible for clearing tons of organic waste by ... well... eating it and now that they are gone, the trash are just lying out there in the streets to rot.

Pigs were the champion garbage consumers in Cairo. Goats just don't seem up to the task.
(picture & caption pilfered without permission or remorse from The New York Times)

I'm just surprised that no one here in Malaysia tried to do this! I'm not saying all of us Malaysians are stupid but some are definitely sitting the grey area ....

Goes to show that sometimes it's better to put on your thinking cap instead of acting on bigotry alone. Might save yourself from a smelly, trashy issue on your hands in the future! LOL!

Six Degrees of Fahrenheit  

Posted by: Christine in

There is a belief (and also a movie, can you believe this, which I will be reviewing at my movie review blog tomorrow)that everyone is separated by six degrees of separation.

The trick is to find the right degrees in which you are separated. For instance, I did not know that I was only separated from Tun Mahathir, former Prime Minister of Malaysia by only 3 degrees.

Me <----> my boss <----> Marina Mahathir <----> Tun Mahathir

I think that's just awesome!

I'm sure if I look hard enough, I probably know someone who knows someone who knows someone who is BFF with Barrack Obama. Woo woo!

Anyway, because this blog is going to be written by two Malaysians and two Americans who somehow managed to become friends... I thought that the saying seemed appropriate as the new moniker for our new joint blog.

I just chose to call it "The Six Degrees of Fahrenheit" because it sounded way cooler and I have a talent of taking something meaningful just to render it complete nonsense.

.... and only the Americans use Fahrenheit just cause they have the inane need to be different (ok, Belize uses Fahrenheit too but who cares about Belize?)

So there you have it, the history of this day-old blog in 30 seconds or less.... probably less.

... and we're LIVE!  

Posted by: Christine in

So this is it. After hours of hard work, I've finally managed to get this blog up and running. Hours of looking at blog templates. Hours of trying to figure out XML. It's like I have nothing else better to do.

The template is looking kinda girly and I didn't quite realise this until I was done. We have three boys here on this blog and I guessed that I should have worked on something a little bit more gender neutral. Then again, in true and typical male fashion, the boys decided to delegate all the work to me ... the lone female so I guess they can pretty much live with what I came up with. If they don't, I suppose I'll just have to distract them with prawns.

Anyway, there's a story to be told here but I'm too tired to do it so that's gonna be something else for yet another day.

Today, I sleep.